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Latex template for resume

% Resume in Latex
% Author : Nandan Kumar
% License : MIT



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%%%%%%  CV STARTS HERE  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


  \textbf{\href{}{\Large Nandan Kumar}} & Email : \href{}{}\\
  \href{}{} & Mobile : \href{tel:+91-9304926357}{+91-9304926357} \\

      {PES Institute of Technology}{Bengaluru, KA}
      {Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science}{Sep. 2012 -- Jun. 2016}



      {o9Solutions}{Bengaluru, KA}
      {Senior Software Engineer}{July 2019 - Present}
      \resumeItem{ASP.NET Migration}
          {Currently Leading the migration of an ASP.NET Core MVC project to .NET Core 6 MVC, ensuring a seamless transition, cross-platform support, and improved performance.}
        \resumeItem{Natural Language Processing}
          {Leading the development and implementation of the NLP
search feature, utilizing extensive expertise in natural language
processing to deliver advanced search capabilities.}
        \resumeItem{War Room \& Multi-Party Collaboration Feature}
          {Led the development and deployment of a collaborative Multi-Party “War Room” feature, fostering seamless planning and communication between buyers and suppliers while ensuring data protection. Ensured a smooth transition for overall \$8 Million accounts for Leading Automobile \& Telecom Brands. }
        \resumeItem{Large Language Model}
          {Successfully deployed an advanced Large Language Model chatbot for
o9 resources, driving efficiency and enhancing user experiences.}
         \resumeItem{NLP Actions}
          {Worked on Implementing the NLP search-based actions feature,
enabling users to perform complex actions through natural language
        \resumeItem{Dark Mode}
          {Led the implementation of the Dark mode feature, resulting in
improved accessibility and heightened user satisfaction.}
          {Successfully Implemented the Pie chart and the Gauge Chart widget
along with the config.}
        \resumeItem{UI Facelift}
          {Successfully led the implementation of UI facelifting of the App
including multiple fonts and multiple themes support.}
        \resumeItem{Online Meetings}
          {Spearheaded the complete implementation of the online meetings
feature, which enhanced collaboration and streamlined
communication processes for all users.}
         \resumeItem{File Upload \& Default Landing}
            {Enhanced the File upload feature workspace, and implemented the default landing page feature.}
        \resumeItem{TLS 1.2}
         {Integrated TLS 1.2 across Redis, R-serve, Thrift, and HBase, resulting in robust security and encrypted communication between middleware and the respective service deployments for 10 key customers.}
% --------Multiple Positions Heading------------
%    \resumeSubSubheading
%     {Software Engineer I}{Oct 2014 - Sep 2016}
%     \resumeItemListStart
%        \resumeItem{Apache Beam}
%          {Apache Beam is a unified model for defining both batch and streaming data-parallel processing pipelines}
%     \resumeItemListEnd
%    \resumeSubHeadingListEnd

      {Publicis Sapient}{Bengaluru, KA}
      {Associate L2(Front End)}{Oct 2016 - Jun 2019}
          {Being part of the development team, I was responsible for creating web components and fixing bugs for the car configurator feature.}
          {As part of the development team, I worked on developing the LCBO web page application with some basic features i.e. Section Header, Accordion, Hero Banner etc. as well as advance features i.e. Store locator. }
          {As part of the development team, I was responsible for implementing some of the major reusable components i.e. Header, footer, and Accordion. Additionally, I worked on implementing State management using NgRx State for functional implementation.}


%--------PROGRAMMING SKILLS------------
\section{Technical Skills}
 \begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0.15in, label={}]
     \textbf{Languages}{: CSharp, Python, JavaScript, HTML/CSS} \\
     \textbf{Frameworks}{: Angular, Node.js, .Net Core, WebAPI, KendoUI } \\
     \textbf{Developer Tools \& Databases}{:Git, Docker, Google Cloud Platform, Postgres, MSSql , MongoDB, Solr  } \\
     \textbf{Libraries}{: React, Jquery, JQPlot}

 \begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0.15in, label={}]
     \textbf{o9Solutions}{ - Performer of the Quarter October 2023 \& Performer of the Month- July 2021. } \\
     \textbf{Personal}{ - Featured on BBC, Boing Boing, Saudi Gazette, Mashable, TOI, Hindustan Times, Deccan Herald and 100+ News portals. } \\
     \textbf{Speaker}{ - Sapient’s XT SUMMIT 2017 on AMP/PWA.}\\
     \textbf{Mentor}{ - Super Mentor For Career Growth at .}\\
     \textbf{Blogger}{ - A tech blogger with over 20,000 readers and 2,000 subscribers. }\\
