JavaScript - Basics
Hoisting is a concept in JavaScript where variable and function declarations are moved to the top of their containing scope during the compilation phase, before the code is actually executed.
- Variable Hoisting
console.log(x); var x = 10; // Prints undefined
he code above is transformed as follows:
var x; //declaration is hoisted and initialized with undefined console.log(x); //undefined x = 10; //initialization remains in the same place
In case of
console.log(y); //Uncaught ReferenceError: y is not defined let y = 10;
let and const are hoisted too, but they’re not initialized with any value, hence you get ReferenceError. This is called Temporal Dead Zone (TDZ)
- Function Hoisting
console.log(add(1, 2)); //3 function add(x, y) { console.log(x + y); }
When it comes to funciton, funciton is declared and initialized and is hoisted.
console.log(sub(1, 2)); //Uncaught TypeError: sub is not a function var sub = function (x, y) { console.log(x, y); };
In this case, the variable sub is initiazlied with function, but during hoisting, the value of sub is undefined, hence calling () on undefined gives an error.
Let vs Const vs Var
Let and Const are intruduced in ES6.
:- Function-scoped and globally-scoped variable declaration.
- Hoisted with both declaration and initialization, leading to potential unexpected behavior.
- Can be re-declared within the same scope without errors.
:- Block-scoped variable declaration that allows reassignment.
- Hoisted with declaration only; accessing before declaration results in a ReferenceError due to the temporal dead zone.
- Cannot be re-declared within the same scope.
:- Block-scoped variable declaration cannot be redeclared within the same scope.
- Hoisted with declaration only; accessing before declaration results in a ReferenceError due to the temporal dead zone.
- Must be assigned a value at the time of declaration and cannot be reassigned afterward.
Context in which variables are declared and accessed
- Global Scope:
- Variables declared outside of any function or block;
- Accessible from anywhere in the code.
- Function Scope:
- Variables declared within a function are accessible only within that function.
- Block Scope:
- Introduced by
blocks; variables declared inside a block are limited to that block’s scope. Let
follow block scope.
- Introduced by
- Scope Chain:
- Nested functions search for variables in their own scope, then in the scope of their parent functions, creating a chain.
- Global Object Access:
- Variables declared without
, orconst
become properties of the global object (e.g.,window
in browsers).
- Variables declared without
Strict Mode
When you enable strict mode in your JavaScript code, the JavaScript interpreter becomes less forgiving and enforces a stricter set of rules. It was introduced in ES5.
- Variables without var doesn’t create a global variable
- Value of this inside a regular function is
contrary to a global context. - Disallow
- not allow undeclared variables
"use strict";
Data Types
- Primitive Types Number, String, Boolean, null, undefined, symbol, bigint -> introduced in ES6
- Non premitive / Reference Daa Types Object, Array, Function, Date, RegExp Set, Map -> Introuduced in ES6
typeof 42; // "number"
typeof "hello"; // "string"
typeof true; // "boolean"
typeof undefined; // "undefined"
typeof null; // "object"
typeof Symbol(); // "symbol"
typeof BigInt(123); // "bigint"
typeof {}; // "object"
typeof []; // "object"
typeof function () {}; // "function"
typeof new Date(); // "object"
typeof /pattern/; // "object"
// ES6 types
typeof new Map(); // "object"
typeof new Set(); // "object"
When to use Map and Set?
- Map is a key value pair just like Object, where key can be of any type.
- Order is preserved in Map unline Object.
- No need to handle hasOwnProperty
- Easy to iterate
- Lookup is 0(1)
var x = {};
x.10 = 'apple' //Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected number
var y = new Map();
y.set(10, 'apple'); //This is allowed
- Set is similar to array, but can have only unique elements
//Regualr array
var x = [1, 1]; //This is allowed
//Using Set
var y = new Set();
y.add(1); //Allowed
Adding duplicate value is allowed in set, but it overwrites the previous value.
Regular Function vs Arrow Functions
Arrow function was introduced in ES6.
- Syntax:
- Regular Function: Declared using the
keyword followed by a name and parameters. - Arrow Function: Introduced by
() =>
syntax, omitting thefunction
- Regular Function: Declared using the
Binding:- Regular Function: Has its own
context, dynamically set at runtime. - Arrow Function: Inherits
from the surrounding scope, creating a lexicalthis
- Regular Function: Has its own
- Constructor:
- Regular Function: Can be used as a constructor to create new objects with the
keyword. - Arrow Function: Cannot be used as a constructor.
- Regular Function: Can be used as a constructor to create new objects with the
- Arguments Object:
- Regular Function: Has its own
object containing all passed arguments. - Arrow Function: Does not have its own
object; inherits from the enclosing scope.
- Regular Function: Has its own
:- Regular Function: Requires an explicit
statement for multi-line blocks. - Arrow Function: Implicitly returns single expressions without the need for a
- Regular Function: Requires an explicit
- No Prototype:
- Arrow Function: Does not have its own
property, hence cannot be used as a prototype constructor.
- Arrow Function: Does not have its own
Arguments in a Function
- Parameters
- Parameters are placeholders in the function declaration that define the expected input values.
- Arguments:
- Arguments are the actual values passed to a function when it is invoked.
- Number of Arguments:
- JavaScript functions can be called with any number of arguments, regardless of the number of parameters defined.
- Default Values:
- Function parameters can have default values assigned, which are used when the corresponding argument is not provided.
function addValues(x=1, y=1){console.log(x+y} addValues() //2
- Function parameters can have default values assigned, which are used when the corresponding argument is not provided.
- Arguments Object:
- Functions have an
object that holds all passed arguments, even if they are not explicitly defined as parameters.function addValues(){ let arg = [...arguments] arg.reduce((val, acc) => val+acc)) } addValues(1,2,3) // 6
object is not an array, but is an array-like object that holds all the arguments passed to a function, but it does not inherit array methods likeforEach
, orfilter
- Functions have an
- Rest Parameters:
- Introduced in ES6, rest parameters allow functions to accept an arbitrary number of arguments as an array.
function addValues(...arg){ arg.reduce((val, acc) => val+acc)) } addValues(1,2,3) // 6
- Introduced in ES6, rest parameters allow functions to accept an arbitrary number of arguments as an array.
- Spread Operator:
- The spread operator (
) can be used to pass an array’s elements as separate arguments to a function.function addValues(...arg){ arg.reduce((val, acc) => val+acc)) } let values = [1,2,3] addValues(...values) // 6
Note: This is just a trivial example to show the use of spread operator.
- The spread operator (
- Order Matters:
- Arguments are matched to parameters based on their order, so the first argument corresponds to the first parameter, and so on.
- Callback Functions:
- Functions can accept other functions as arguments, allowing for powerful patterns like callbacks and higher-order functions.
function performOperation(x, y, cb) { const result = cb(x, y); console.log(result); } function add(x, y) { return x + y; } performOperation(1, 2, add); // 3
- Functions can accept other functions as arguments, allowing for powerful patterns like callbacks and higher-order functions.
Event Listeners
In JavaScript, event listeners are functions that “listen” for specific events to occur on a DOM element (such as a button, input, or any HTML element).
const myBtn = document.getElementById("myButton");
myBtn.addEventListener("click", function () {
//do something
Event Propagation
Event Propagation refers to the order in which events are handled and propagated through the DOM hierarchy in JavaScript. Every (almost) event propagates. There are two phases of event propagation:
- Bubbling
- In this phase, the event starts at the target element and bubbles up through the DOM hierarchy to the outermost ancestor element.
This phase allows you to set up event listeners on the target element or its descendants to respond to events as they propagate upward. -> evet delegation
- Capturing
- In this phase, the event is captured by the outermost ancestor element and is propagated downward through the DOM hierarchy towards the target element.
Note: By Default, events always Bubble.
You can also explicitly set an event listener to capture events during the capturing phase by passing a third parameter (
) to theaddEventListener
function () {
console.log("Ele clicked during capturing phase");
Event Delegation
Sometimes you would want to add event listener to the parent instead of individual child element. You use event delegation for that.
<ul id="list">
<li>Item 1</li>
<li id="item2">Item 2</li>
<li>Item 3</li>
const list = document.getElementById("list");
list.addEventListener("click", function (event) {
if ( === "item2") {
console.log("Item 2 clicked:");
The idea is to take advantage of event bubbling: when an event occurs on a child element, it bubbles up through its ancestors in the DOM tree, allowing a parent element to intercept and handle the event.
Event delegation is particularly useful in scenarios where new elements are dynamically added to the DOM or when working with lists, tables, or other structures with repetitive elements.
DOM Manipulation
DOM (Document Object Model) manipulation involves programmatically changing the structure, content, or style of a web page using JavaScript. This is the main purpose of JavaScript. Consider the code below
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>DOM Manipulation Example</title>
<h1 id="title">Title 1</h1>
<button id="changeButton">Change Title</button>
<script src="script.js"></script>
Let’s see a JS code that changes the title on click of the button
// Get references to the elements
const titleElement = document.getElementById("title");
const changeButton = document.getElementById("changeButton");
// Add a click event listener to the button
changeButton.addEventListener("click", function () {
// Update the text content of the title element
titleElement.textContent = "New Title";
is a built-in JavaScript function that allows you to evaluate and execute a string of JavaScript code in the current scope.
const x = 10;
const y = 20;
const code = "x + y"; // A string containing JavaScript code
const result = eval(code); // Evaluate the code and store the result in 'result'
console.log(result); // Output: 30
Eval is Evil
However, it’s important to note that using eval
has some potential downsides and security concerns:
- Security Risk: Using
with untrusted or user-generated input can expose your application to security vulnerabilities, as arbitrary code could be executed. - Performance Impact: The use of
can have performance implications, as the JavaScript engine can’t optimize the code containingeval
as effectively as regular code. - Maintainability: Code that heavily relies on
can become difficult to read, debug, and maintain. It’s advised never to use eval. Are there any alternative to eval? There are many alternatives to eval, one of the most practical alternative is to use function constructor.
const addFunction = new Function("x", "y", "return x + y;");
const result = addFunction(10, 20); // Evaluates to 30
Template Literal
Template literals provide a more readable and convenient way to create complex strings by allowing you to embed variables directly into the string content without the need for string concatenation or escaping characters.
- Introduced in ES6
- More readable.
- Easy to append concatinate strings.
let name = "Ish";
console.log("My name is" + name);
console.log(`My name is ${name}`);
- Easy to create HTML elements.
let name = "Ish";
let div = document.createElement("div");
let p = document.createElement("p");
p.innerText = "My name is Ish" + name;
const myDiv = `<div><p>My name is ${name}</p></div>`;
document.querySelector("body").innerHTM = myDiv;
IIFE stands for Immediately Invoked Function Expression. It’s a JavaScript design pattern that involves defining a function expression and immediately invoking it. IIFEs are often used to create a private scope for variables, prevent variable name clashes, and encapsulate code.
(function () {
// Code inside the IIFE is enclosed within its own scope
const message = "Hello from the IIFE!";
- Prevents polluting global scope.
- Used by popular libraries like jQuery, Underscore.js, etc.
Error Handling - try catch
- Detect, manage, and recover from unexpected or exceptional situations that may arise during the execution of a program.
- The
statement is used to catch and handle errors in JavaScript code. - It consists of a
block where you place the code that might generate error. - If an error occurs within the
block, the control is transferred to the correspondingcatch
block. - The
block contains code that runs when an error is caught. It usually includes error handling logic. - The
block takes an optional parameter, conventionally namederror
, which represents the error object associated with the caught error. - You can include an optional
block after thetry
blocks. - The code in the
block runs regardless of whether an error occurred or not. It is often used for cleanup tasks. - Within the
block, you can rethrow the error using thethrow
statement to let outertry...catch
blocks handle the error further.
try {
//Some code that throws error
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error caught:",, error.message);
You can throw custom errors in JavaScript by using the throw
Example below demonstrates a proper use case.
function divide(a, b) {
if (b === 0) {
throw new Error("Division by zero is not allowed");
return a / b;
try {
const result = divide(10, 0);
} catch (error) {
console.error("An error occurred:", error.message);
- Used to cache the already computed value.
- For next execution, if the value exists in cache, if not, compute the value and store in cache.
function memoizeSquare(fn) {
const cache = {};
return function(x) {
if (x in cache) {
return cache[x];
const result = fn(x);
cache[x] = result;
return result;
// Create a memoized version of the square function
const memoizedSquare = memoizeSquare(function(x) {
console.log('Calculating square of', x);
return x * x; }
console.log(memoizedSquare(5)); // Outputs: Calculating square of 5 \n 25
console.log(memoizedSquare(7)); // Outputs: Calculating square of 7 \n 49
console.log(memoizedSquare(5)); // Outputs: 25 (Cached result)
console.log(memoizedSquare(10)); // Outputs: Calculating square of 10 \n 100