git config --global user.name "Nandan Kumar"
git config --global user.email "nandan.1345@gmail.com"
git config user.name "Nandan Kumar"
git config user.email "nandan.1345@gmail.com"
git config --list // show list of configs
git init // initialise a git repo
rm -rf .git
git remote add origin <server URL>
git branch -M main
git pull
git pull origin master // from a remote branch it performs a merge.
git add . // add all
git branch branch-name
//I prefer
git checkout -b branch-name
git add . or git add filename.txt
git commit -m "add some changes, write cool message #forticketnumber"
git push -u origin branch-name
git push // if branch is already pushed
// create a merge conflict and show
git cherry-pick 2f5451f
git cherry-pick 2f5451f -n
// Rebase
master - own timeline
dev - own timeline
messy to track
merge does that.
rebase will be like adding your commit as master as base
all commit in the tree will start from last commit on master
git rebase master dev
// Undoing a few wrongdoings, that's what git is about
// Undoing Local Changes That Have Not Been Committed
git status // to see the changes
git checkout filename.txt // it will revert the file to previous commited state
// Undoing Your Last Commit (That Has Not Been Pushed)
git reset --soft HEAD~ or git reset --soft HEAD^
// undoing last two commits that has not been pushed
git reset --soft HEAD~2
// undoing a commit (Not pushed)
undo but keep changes : git reset 2f5451f
Undo and just let it go : git reset --hard 2f5451f