The content on JavaScript is divided into two parts:
Each of these parts will have following concepts in it:
- Hoisting
- Let vs Const vs Var
- Scope
- Strict Mode
- Data Types
- Regular Function vs Arrow Function
- Arguments in a function
- Event Listeners
- Event Propagation
- Event Delegation
- DOM Manipulation
- Template literal -IIFE
- Error Handling - Try…catch
- Memoization
- Mutability vs Immutability
- Callback and Callback hell
- Promises
- Async Await
- Prototype / proto
- Inheritence
- Constructor Function
- Classes
and identifying it’s value- Overwriting this -> call/bind/apply
- Pure functions
- Proxy
- Symbol
- Memory leaks
- Garbage collection
- Curring
- Cascading
- Object freeze vs seal
- Object.defineProperty
- Generator functions
- Promise
- PromiseAll.
- Call, Bind, Apply
- ForEach, Map, Reduce
You will also find few JavaScript
code that you can refer to get some context.